Sunday, January 29, 2012


Nate is my snuggler, and he was in full snuggle mode this weekend.  When he wants love he comes and finds me, jumps up on me, sticks his head under my chin and starts to purr.  And he doesn't like to share me with the TV or my Kindle (if I move my head to the side to see either, he'll block me over and over).  And really what's more important on TV or the Kindle (or online) than kitty snuggle time?  Nothing I know of.  So warm, so sweet and something I can't control; it only happens when it's his decision.  And as time has passed and he's grown more confident in our home it's not as frequent as when he first came to live with us, so each time is special.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Shoes...I love them!  And most women I know love them too.  I love to look at them in catalogs and online and in stores.  Most I can't even wear, but they're so awesome!  And as you can see here Nate also has a shoe fetish.  He's not so particular about how they look, and usually the dirtier they are the better he likes them.  Here he's loving on a shoe that was just visiting


2 posts today, 'cause I was lazy yesterday and didn't get it done.  And going with the laziness theme, here are the boys being lazy, as only cats can do

The kitties were nestled all snug in their beds...

Monday, January 23, 2012


Nick comtemplating...well whatever it is that cats comtemplate. 
I'd like to think he's looking adoringly at me "Oh Mom, you're the greatest!"
More likely "Oh Mom, it's way past time for canned food." 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fire Cat

Here Nate shows you why one of his many nicknames is "Fire Cat."

At the first sound of fire prep he comes running.  Once the logs are blazing nicely he flops, rolls, and sacks out.  Such a peaceful sight.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Meet "The Boys"

My first post on my first ever blog.  This is something I've long-considered, and finally I'm taking the plunge.  My intent was to start this on January 1st, and since that didn't happen the OCD part of me said "Now you can't do it 'til 2013!"  But the sensible side asserted itself and said "Watch me!"

Introductions first, since that's the proper order of things (OCD me says "Yeah!")

The 2 wonderful cats you'll see thoughout the year are Nicholas Anthony (Nick) and Nathaniel Oliver (Nate).  We adopted them from our local humane society on February 1st, 2010.  Dear Nick had been there almost all of his 9 months, so he knew nothing but life in a pen behind a gate.  Nate, on the other hand, had lived with someone and was very ready to get back to a cozy home.  Consequently when they got here Nate was at home from the moment he first set paw in the door.  Nick, however, found the adjustment very difficult and was most comfortable hiding behind or under things.  With lots of love, patience, prayer and tasty treats, though, he began to relax and even venture from his hiding places.

Fast forward just about 2 years and Nick is now a big love bug and comedian who can't wait for snuggles and rubs in the morning and when we arrive home from work in the evening.  He gallops wildly through the house knocking all rugs in his path askew, plays fetch with his favorite foam soccer ball toys, energetically kneads my arm in the morning before I get up and waits for me on the toilet lid while I'm in the shower, meowing and trilling all the while.  He's an extremely vocal kitty with a loud, hearty purr and gloriously soft tiger striped coat.  He's still rather wary of other people, though, so no one else really sees his wondful personality.  He continues to make progress, however, and when visitors arrive he might even stay in the same room (at a polite distance) rather than vanish to the basement as he used to.

Fluffy little Nate, who is often mistaken for a girl, believes himself to be a mighty warrior.  He fears nothing and will challenge such noisy foes as the vacuum cleaner and table saw.  He wasn't afraid to mix it up with Holster, a local outdoor kitty, upon sneaking outside once, but that particular instance resulted in a trip to the vet and several shots.  None the less he still attempts to escape most any time the door is opened, so we must be constantly vigilant.  Nate loves people; anyone who comes over must have come to see him.  All visitors are warmly greeted, given a coating rub of white and orange fluff and followed throughout the house.  Currently his favorite thing to play with is Q-tips, and his favorite place to play with them is in the bathtub (no water please). 

Here is our first picture of "the boys" back in 2010 in their pen at the shelter:

And very recently at home sharing the recliner:

And now loud meows are alerting me to the fact that I've missed the dinner hour and that my presence is required in the kitchen.  I believe a can of Beef Feast is on tonight's menu, at least for 2 members of our household, and so I go forth to feed the wild beasts.