Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pardon The Interruption

Yes, it's been awhile since I last posted.  Quite awhile.  Over a year, in fact.  What's happened over the past year?  Quite a bit.  For one thing, I learned this about myself:  I'll never be a daily blogger.  Much as I enjoy it, it's not important enough to me to be a daily task.  Plus my original idea of a new cat picture each day fizzled for various reasons.  Some days my subjects just wouldn't cooperate.  Some days I got frustrated with photo editing.  And some days I was just plain lazy (I know someone who will say that was the case most days)! 

But here I am again, with a slightly new focus.  I've thought about it and still feel that Cats 365 is an apprpriate title, since no day goes by in which I don't love cats, look at cats, talk about cats, view videos of cats, etc.  No, I'm not (quite) the "crazy cat lady" who can talk about nothing else.  I can discuss Civil War history with you, rhapsodize over a new restaurant, enthuse about new genealogy discoveries, talk recipes for hours, and cheer on my Detroit Tigers and Red Wings.  Everyone who knows me, however, associates me with cats.  They send me cat emails, they post cat videos and captioned photos on my Facebook timeline, they ask me their cat questions.  And recently at a local store a lady whom I'd never seen before in my life called to me from her car "Do you want a kitten?"  Seriously...I thought I might be wearing a sign that everyone but me could see! 

Anyway my cats and I are back, and since we got a new better-than-ever camera this year, I can get better-than-ever pictures of them.  Here are the first two we took of them with the new camera:

Nate - Bath Interrupted - January 2013

Nick - Kitchen Lounger - January 2013

Because of the higher quality camera the flash isn't always needed.  Less flash = more open-eyed cat photos.  They're happy, and I'm happy.
By the way, if they look a bit larger than the last time you saw them...they are.  At this year's annual vet visit we learned that Nate has caught up to brother Nick.  Both boys now weigh 14 pounds!  Nick turned 4 in April, Nate will turn 4 in July, and in February we celebrated 3 years that they've been here with us.  Such an awesome time it's been and continues to be!
Must go now, snuggles are being strongly requested!